Is Your Firm Independent?
Yes. DWM is a Registered Investment Advisory firm compensated by fees paid to us by our clients. We receive no other form of compensation. This allows us to offer objectivity when making decisions regarding our advice and act as fiduciaries for our clients.

What Are Your Qualifications?
We have over two decades of experience in providing financial planning and investment advisory services. In addition to holding the Certified Financial Planner designation, Patrick Dougherty earned a master's degree in business with a concentration in financial & estate planning. He also teaches financial planning in SMU's Professional Education Program.

What Services Do You Offer?
We offer advisory programs in Wealth Management, Investment Management, and Financial Planning.

What is Your Approach to Financial Planning?
We believe that investment management cannot be successfully performed in a vacuum. In other words, without sufficient insight into the client's challenges, goals, and objectives; an advisor will not know how to create a strategy for the client. We recommend performing an analysis and creating a written plan to begin the process of creating your family's security.

How Will I Pay For Your Services?
We are paid using a fee arrangement which has a far less possibility of creating a conflict of interest than the traditional commission based arrangement. We receive no income from investment companies or any other suppliers.

Have you been disciplined for any unlawful or unethical actions in your professional career?
No. We have never been disciplined for any reason.

Can I have it in writing?
Yes. We provide a written agreement outlining in detail all of the services that we will provide for the client.